
Many times when we are not able to recall something, we put a blame to our memory, but it is not only our memory who is at fault. The other culprit is Focus.

When you meet someone, you can’t remember that person’s name after few seconds only. Does it happen to you? Don’t feel that you are not owner of good memory. It happens because you don’t pay attention to that person when he was telling the name. That is the challenge to focus.

In this pandemic, kids are learning via online classes. Parents complain that kids  are not able to learn in online classes. The main reason is lack of focus here also.

Many times you forget where have you put your belongings. Again, here is the issue of focus, you don’t pay attention when you put your belongings.

The focus is something that is different from memory. The focus is a prerequisite of good memory. Without focus  you can’t expect to remember anything. 

Now the question is how to improve focus? The simple solution is what outcome do you expect after any activity be it meeting a person, placing your belongings, learning a course. Ask yourself a question why do you do this activity? 

If you want to remember the name of the person you are going to meet, just give an instruction to your brain that you need to remember the name of the person that you are going to meet.  See the magic after this activity, I am sure that you will be able to remember the name of the person.

When kids are attending online classes or reading some book, just ask them that you will ask what did they learn, once they finish an online class / book. See the magic again, your simple message that you will ask will trigger the focus in kids and they will remember what did they learn in the online class/book reading.

When you put your belonging, ask a question to yourself when do you need that belonging again. What will happen if you don’t find that item? This message will develop focus to your brain that you need that item again so you will remember where you have kept your belongings.

How to improve memory? Every one can be owner of good memory by using memory techniques, adopting good food habits, positive state of mind & good sleep. Even World memory champions use these memory techniques. You can be a memory expert starting from scratch too. Good food habits & exercises also helps in improving Memory. Avoid foods that contain too much saturated fats & trans fats like butter, meat. Avoid junk food, sugar and excessive alcohol.

Food that helps in boosting a  good memory are:

  1. Whole grains
  2. Almonds
  3. Walnuts
  4. Apple
  5. Green Tea
  6. Broccoli
  7. Tomato
  8. Blueberries
  9. Turmeric
  10. Egg
  11. Omega 3 fatty acids-flax seed, pumpkin seed
  12. Fish
  13. Dark Chocolate
  14. Plenty of water 

Positive state of mind is must for a good memory. Can you even enjoy a party or a movie, if you are not in a good mood? Your answer will be in No. Have belief in you that you are the owner of good memory. The only challenge is with the processing of information in your brain that you can learn the use of memory techniques. 

Good Sleep of at least 8 hours is required for a good memory. Don’t deprive yourself good sleep. 

 You must have a fair idea of how to increase focus & memory by asking questions to yourself before doing any activity, use of memory techniques, exercises, good food & good sleep. It’s really great that you made it this far. If you enjoyed this article, share it with your friends and colleagues and let me know in the comment section how do you feel about focus & memory.