

About Aryabhata Abacus & Vedic Maths Academy

Unlocking the True Potential of Your Child

As a parent, you always have a strong desire & intention to provide your child with the best opportunities for growth and success. As parents, we understand the dreams and aspirations you have for your child’s future. We have personally walked the path you are on right now, seeking the best educational opportunities to unlock our child’s true potential.

We embarked on this journey ourselves when our child was 5 years old and we were introduced to the world of abacus education. Enthusiastic about the possibilities, we enrolled our child in an abacus program, hoping it would be the key to enhancing her mathematical abilities and set her on a path to excellence.

However, after investing 10 months in the program, we were disheartened to find that there seemed to be no practical application of abacus skills in real-life scenarios. We observed that without aid of the abacus, our child and her peers were unable to solve mathematical problems independently. The gap between abacus proficiency and practical use was apparent, and we knew something had to change.

Determined to bridge this gap, we took matters into our own hands. We decided to pause the abacus program and embark on a personal journey of exploration and discovery. We delved deep into research, seeking a solution that would integrate abacus skills seamlessly into real-life situations & bridge the gap between abacus proficiency and real-life application.

With renewed hope, we began working closely with our child, blending the principles of the abacus with visualization or imagination skills which was missing earlier when our daughter was learning. The results were astonishing! In just a short period, our child not only regained confidence but also developed the ability to solve complex mathematical problems effortlessly, both with and without the use of the abacus. It was a transformative moment that sparked our vision for Aryabhata Abacus & Vedic Maths Academy(AAVMA) in May 2016.

At AAVMA, we are driven by our personal experiences and a commitment to ensure that every child who joins our program can apply abacus skills practically in their everyday lives. Our dedicated team of experienced educators works tirelessly to provide personalized attention and guidance to each student, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and practical application of abacus techniques. Through our specialized program, your child will learn to visualize numbers, perform calculations mentally, and develop rapid mental calculation abilities from initial few classes.

We are proud to say that our approach has yielded incredible results for countless students. They have not only excelled academically but have also gained invaluable life skills that extend far beyond the realm of mathematics.

As you explore our website, you will find testimonials from parents who have witnessed first-hand the transformation in their children’s abilities. They speak of the newfound confidence, mathematical prowess, and practical application of abacus skills in everyday life.

We invite you to join us at AAVMA and give your child the opportunity to excel in mathematics and beyond. Together, let’s unlock their full potential, instil a love for learning, and equip them with practical abacus skills that will last a lifetime to lay a strong foundation for success in academics and beyond.

Thank you for considering AAVMA as your partner in your child’s educational journey.

Why Choose Us?

Personalized Consistent Approach

We believe in personalized education and recognize that each student has unique learning needs. Our founder trainers work closely with each kid, providing individual attention and tailored instruction to maximize their learning potential.

Proven Results with Pragmatic Application

Our Abacus training program has yielded excellent results. Our students have showcased significant improvements in their mathematical skills, mental calculation abilities, concentration, creativity, picture memory and academic performance. We take pride in the success stories of our students.

Expertise with Experience

The founders’ experience with their own child gives them first-hand knowledge of the challenges and learning needs of  students. This experience evolve innovative training methods and enable them to empathize with the students and their parents, leading to much needed output.

Supportive Learning Environment

We offer a welcoming and motivating learning atmosphere. We create a friendly environment where students may ask questions, feel at ease, and actively participate in the learning process. We believe that a supportive, friendly learning environment is essential for meaningful learning results.

Flexibility & Convenience

We understand that schedules can be demanding, especially for students and working professional parents. Therefore, we offer flexible training options, including different class timings and online learning opportunities, making it easier for people to fit Abacus training into their busy schedules.

Parent-Founder Collaboration

The founders’ perspective as parents can foster strong collaboration with other parents in the program. They can relate to parental concerns, provide valuable insights, and actively engage parents in their child’s progress

Our Focus

We at our academy, are committed to helping your kid experience a noticeable and desired transformation. Our focus goes beyond enhancing their speed of calculation; we strive for their overall development, including the installation of positivity and whole brain development. We firmly believe that our efforts should cause your child to go through significant and remarkable changes. How distinctly your child’s abilities and habits have changed will decide how successful we are. Until we start to observe these positive improvements, we won’t be able to say we’re doing a good job at our work. Your child’s growth and progress are at the core of our mission.

  • Installation of Love for Mathematics
  • Whole Brain Development
  • Your Kid’s Improvement

Let’s Learn Together!

Let’s explore potential benefits of choosing a program led by founders who started the academy because of their child and witness your child’s continuous improvement…
